█████ Sampler of Tech Arsenal 2 - Arsenal Computer 1-800-9CD-SALE
█████ Memory Management
4DEMS.ZIP 40,932 02-17-94 EMS Functions & Utilities - is a collectionof functions that work with EMS memory. Itincludes a function library to call the EMSservices, and EMS driver test, a function tofree allocated EMS pages by name, and a TSR
to reserve EMS pages from greedy programs.
EATMEM11.ZIP 28,612 03-08-94 EATMEM v1.1c, limit amount of conventionalmemory available. Useful in determining howmuch RAM another program requires. w/TASM src
HIV203.ZIP 11,758 06-03-94 HiVID! v2.03 <ASP> - DOS Memory Expander forVGA/EGA systems. The unused graphics memoryof the VGA/EGA display adapter in text modeis used to expand the conventional DOS memory
by 96kB. No graphic can be used if this modeis on. The expansion can be switched on andoff dynamically from the command line.Shareware
M701.ZIP 421,664 03-21-94 UPdate 386 Max Version 7.01 patch for 7.00
MAM109U.ZIP 73,126 03-27-94 Memory Allocation Manager (MAM) v1.09U: smalutility that provides the functionally ofQuarterdeck's Manifest (MFT) pgm w/additionalfeatures like that found in the MARK/RELEASE;03/27/94; Marc Mulders.
MAXUPPER.ZIP 6,664 01-02-94 Max Upper Tips on maximizing upper/ extended/expanded memory before buying commercialproducts like QDEK or 386MAX.
MM42S.ZIP 13,017 09-05-93 DOS Memory Viewer for v2.0+
PKPK____.ZIP 15,766 04-18-94 Poke And Peek Bytes To And From Your Ibm Pc'sMemory. Good For The RecreationallyChallenged. "c" Source Included
QEMTEC.ZIP 59,656 01-12-94 Qemm technical notes using variousapplications.
RAMAGIC3.ZIP 19,772 01-22-94 RAMAGIC V2.1 Provides a LAST chance method ofrestoring lost file data from Memory
RAMMP152.ZIP 13,857 02-24-94 RamMap v1.52: displays how much memory isused and if it can recover space used by theenvironment area of TSRs; Computer Tyme
RDMEM107.ZIP 9,282 04-08-94 Upgrade to READMEM, the RAM dump program. Bugfixed.
SEE270.ZIP 25,613 02-23-94 Popular memory checker.
SRDSK205.ZIP 75,880 01-31-94 ReSizeable RAMDisk 2.05. Copyright (c) 1994Marko Kohtala. Released Jan 31st, 1994.SRDISK is a virtual disk device driver andcontroller capable of using over 32M of XMSand EMS memory. The disk can be disabled and
it's size can be changed without rebooting.Lots of other usefull features.
TLB_A252.ZIP 214,036 10-24-94 A set of ADVANCED UTILITIES to go with THELAST BYTE MEMORY MANAGER (vers. 2.52)Requires the companion standard package,TLB-V252.ZIP.
TLB_T252.ZIP 40,719 10-24-94 A small program to test compatibility withTHE LAST BYTE MEMORY MANAGER (vers. 2.52) Ifsuccessful, you may want to downloadTLB-V252.ZIP and (perhaps) TLB-A252.ZIP.
TLB_V252.ZIP 275,703 10-24-94 THE LAST BYTE MEMORY MANAGER (vers. 2.52)Loads device drivers, TSRs, and more between640k and 1 meg. Compatible w/DOS 6, Win 3.1,& all prot. mode software. Requires 8088 orabove and a supported shadow ram controller,
EMS, or R/W ram in the UMA. Registration fee:$29.95
VMS240.ZIP 38,684 04-27-94 VMS40 EMS memory emulator v1.1b <ASP> VMS40uses hard disk to emulate EMS memory LMS40uses high memory to emulate EMS memory It isa software emulation of the 28 functionstandard set forth in the Lotus / Intel /
Microsoft Expanded Memory Standard (LIM/EMS)version 4.0. All of the EMS 4.0 functionsthat can be implemented through software areprovided by VMS40. Registration requested